When you press F1 or choose the Contents and Index command from the Help menu, the Help window appears. The Help window contains two panes รน the topic and the navigation panes.
When you click on a topic in the Contents tab in the Help window, the topic pane shows the content of the Help topic you selected. You can print the content that you see in the topic pane. You can also browse forward or go back to topics you've already seen. To make more room on the Microsoft PhotoDraw workspace, you can hide the navigation pane.
The navigation pane allows you to search for Help in the following ways:
View the table of contents You can view the table of contents for the Help file by clicking the Contents tab.
Type a question To type a question about Microsoft PhotoDraw, click the Answer Wizard tab.
Search for keywords Click the Index tab to search for specific words or phrases, or to choose from a list of keywords. You can add or remove keywords from your search. In this way, you can narrow your search until only very relevant topics and keywords remain in the list.
Use keywords to narrow your search for Help topics